Senin, 08 April 2013
ART IS: The expression of one's feelings were poured into the creations in the form of motion, form, tone poems, which contain unsue-aesthetics, and can affect people's feelings lain.KESENIAN ALLOCATION TYPE 4: Art Music is the outpouring of feelings embodied in the form of tone Art and poetry indah.Seni outpouring of feeling someone is manifested in a form / image-gambar.Seni Drama is the outpouring of feelings of someone who is cast in the form of motion storytelling mixed with dance music sesuai.Seni outpouring of feelings are embodied in the form of Regular movement of limbs and beriramaDalam Big Indonesian Dictionary, Definition of Art, has three meanings, among others: a. Art means smooth, small and delicate, thin, soft and pleasant, pretty and elok.b. Expertise makes the work (in terms of beauty and subtlety) c. reasonable ability to create something of value tinggiMenurut Ki Hajar Dewantara, art is a human activity that arises from feelings and wonderful nature so that it can move jiwanyaSENI MUSIKDalam Musical Arts are 2 (two) elements, namely: Vocal and Instrument.Vocal rhythm tones are out of sound tones manusia.Instrument is coming out of the instrument is digunakan.TEKNIK VOCAL: How to produce good sound and correct, so that the sound comes out sounding clear, beautiful, melodious, and nyaring.UNSUR-ELEMENT TECHNIQUES VOCAL: Articulation , is the word for word pronunciation is good and is an attempt to breathe jelas.Pernafasan air as much as possible, then stored, and secreted little by little according to keperluan.Pernafasan in the three types, namely: - Respiratory Chest: suitable for low tones, the singer easily tired. - Abdominal Breathing: fast air exhausted, less fit dala used to sing, because it will be quickly exhausted. - Pernafasar Diaphragm: breathing is the most suitable for singing, because the air that used to be easy to set up use, has the vocal power and stability baik.Phrasering is: beheading sentence rule is good and right that easy to understand and in accordance with the rules that berlaku.Sikap Agency: is the position of the body when someone is singing, can sambilduduk, or standing, which is important not to terganggu.Resonansi respiratory tract is: an attempt to beautify the voice mefungsikan air cavities co vibrate / vibrate around the mouth and tenggorokan.Vibrato is: Efforts to beautify a song by giving a wave / voice shaking regularly, usually applied in each end of a sentence is an attempt to beautify lagu.Improvisasi song by changing / adding most melodic songs with professionals, without changing the melody pokoknya.Intonasi is high or low a tone that must be reached with the formation of Intonation tepat.Syarat Conditions were good: a. Baikb hearing. Pernafasanc control. Musical taste
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